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Municipal Detachment Clerk
Job Description
Municipal Detachment Clerk
- Receive, assess and respond to front counter and telephone enquiries, complaints, and requests for information (e.g. joint police/community initiatives, criminal records checks, legislation, etc.) and services (e.g. motor vehicle collision reporting, receipt and cataloguing of firearms, fingerprinting services, etc.) from the general public.
- Provide information, advice and options to internal clients to assist in their understanding of and compliance with administrative and operational policies, guidelines, processes and procedures.
- Receive and handle emergency and OCC/911 calls, record information on the details of the complaint (location, circumstances, number of individuals, witnesses, weapons involved, and notify/dispatch appropriate responder(s).
- Research, input, modify, manipulate, track, analyse, extract and delete data and information in a variety of automated Operational Records Management Systems (ORMS) and other automated systems, for example CPIC, CKIT, PIRS, ENR III, SCIS, PROS, PRIME, TSMIT, DIBS, CIDS, NCDB, JUSTIN and TEAM[1] and manual filing systems, and extract statistical data.
- Maintain radio contact with regular members to provide pertinent information from data banks, relevant background material, such as potential for violence, suicidal tendencies, call back-up and other assistance for member, and to support well-being and safety of members and involved general public/victims.
- Receive and record monies (e.g. fines, fingerprints, copies of accident reports), prepare invoices and handle petty cash.
- Purchase and maintain office supplies and equipment, arrange for repairs and maintenance of equipment and facilities, and maintain inventory of supplies and equipment.
- Provide a broad array of administrative support and services, such as: receive, sort, file and distribute mail; arrange courier services; assist in the storage and safekeeping of exhibits/evidence, when assigned; transcribe internal and external correspondence, and action ATIP requests under guidance of supervisor.
Provide in-house guidance/training and information to police officers and other employees on computer software and systems applications, office procedures and processes, and the municipal/regional infrastructure.
Knowledge is required of the RCMP detachment’s role, mandate, operational methods, techniques and practices, protocols, organizational priorities and programs, the surrounding jurisdictions, geographic and cultural considerations, interrelationships with municipal agencies and services, contract partners, joint police/community initiatives, community and federal programs (e.g. Crime Stoppers, Block Watch, Canada Firearms Program), and municipal by-laws. Knowledge is also required of the Federal and Provincial Crown, criminal court and their interdependencies, and the key contacts in federal and provincial organizations and agencies (e.g. Customs and Excise, Correctional Services, Ministry of Transport), other law enforcement agencies, and private sector agencies and organizations (e.g. ambulance services, hospitals, tow truck operators, school boards, etc.).
Knowledge is required of policies, guidelines, procedures, and practices (e.g. obtain pardon for a criminal record, purchase prisoner meals) related to various pieces of municipal, provincial and federal legislation (e.g. Financial Administration Act, Access to Information and Privacy Act, Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substance Act, Motor Vehicle Act, Canada Archives Act, Pardons Act, etc.). Knowledge is also required of internal administrative policies, techniques, practices and processes normally associated with financial responsibilities (e.g. purchasing, Receiver General deposits), and information (e.g. create and dispose of files) and material management (e.g. kit and clothing purchases, repair and maintenance of fleet and equipment).
Knowledge is required of legislation, policies, guidelines, procedures and practices to handle firearms and dangerous goods (e.g. ammunition, blasting caps) in a safe manner.
Knowledge is required of word processing and spreadsheet applications, and of grammar, syntax, specialized vocabulary and terminology.
The above knowledge is required to respond to enquiries and requests for information and services (e.g. from municipal, provincial and federal agencies) and complaints (some of which can be sensitive) from the general public. There is also a requirement to identify sources of information (e.g. databanks, archives, internal files, briefs, etc.), and to conduct background research and analysis. Knowledge is required to prepare documents (e.g. correspondence, transcriptions, court, complaints), reports (e.g. occurrence), records and files, to receive monies (e.g. payments to the Receiver General, criminal record checks), and to plan and coordinate logistics for conferences and meetings. There is also a need to address and resolve problems or issues, to assist in bringing about continuity to an office where the personnel and the environment are continually changing, and to provide input regarding administrative processes, practices and procedures that enhance service standards and delivery.
Knowledge is required of a broad number of operational and administrative on-line systems/databanks[2], and the policies, methods, techniques and practices used to enter, maintain, research/query, extract, and reconcile the data and information. There is a requirement to recognize and ensure quality data, to recognize the interrelationships of the information and data contained in a variety of databanks and to assist police officers in the use of the information databanks. The data and information are used by police officers to identify situations that may be dangerous or threatening (e.g. firearms at a residence, history of violence, outstanding warrants, etc.).
Analytical and problem solving skills are required to prioritize own work load, to provide administrative and operational support, and to assist in the maintenance and disposal of files and records.
Communication skills are required to:
- prepare reports, documents, requisitions, forms, correspondence, and presentations;
- understand documents, correspondence and reports, to retrieve information and data, and to assist in researching interpretations of a variety of policies, legislation, regulations, and guidelines;
- understand information, requests for service and enquiries received from the public (in person and by telephone), internal clients, and other organizations, departments and agencies;
- extract detailed information from individuals (e.g. witnesses, victims, complainants), and to prioritize, transfer and relay sensitive or emergency information via the police radio and telephone to police officers, support agencies and Communications Centre (this often takes place during a crisis situation), and participate in committees (e.g. Health and Safety) and meetings, and to record activities/take minutes.
Contacts are with:
- general public (e.g. victims, witnesses, complainants, probation officers and parolees), in person and by telephone, to respond to enquiries and requests for information and data which, at times, requires explanation and interpretation. Situations may be an emergency, and require addressing agitated, distraught or confrontational individuals.
- other federal, provincial and municipal organizations and agencies and private sector organizations and agencies (e.g. Transport Canada, Department of National Defence, Correctional Services Canada, emergency services, Department of Homeland Security, Interpol, legal counsel, insurance adjusters, probation officers, city/municipal administrators, other police organizations, etc.) to exchange information, to establish times for meetings and collaborations. There is a requirement to liaise with various individuals (e.g. victim services, witnesses, accused, parole officers, court personnel, coroner, etc.) to obtain and provide detailed information related to court cases, remands and witness travel arrangements, etc.
- external suppliers and contractors to gather information on prices and service levels.
- internal clients (e.g. clerical staff, guards and matrons, police officers, management, CPIC, dispatch/communication centers, corporate services) to exchange information on a broad variety of issues (e.g. training, system access, research, maintenance, travel, etc.).
Decision Making
Judgment is required to receive and deposit monies to the Receiver General Account, and to maintain an acquisition card and transaction log.
Purchase goods (e.g. kit, clothing, office supplies, etc.). Effort is required to obtain quotes, confirm the accuracy of prices, compute and compare costs, and verify the receipt of goods and services. There is authority to select the best option in relation to value and costs, within delated authorities, and to use a government credit card for approved purchases.
Receive, assess, evaluate priorities and urgencies, and respond to front desk and/or telephone enquiries for information, complaints, and requests for services (e.g. payment of fine, handling and cataloguing of firearms, fingerprinting, copies of reports, registration of sexual offenders, receipt of dangerous goods, in line with policy and procedures) from the public. Responses and services may include a variety of activities such as the documentation of information, the completion of forms, and the receipt of monies. May also receive, handle, process and return exhibits (e.g. found property, seized goods). The arrangement of police intervention, the prompt dispatch of emergency vehicles or referral to another organization or agency could and often does occur simultaneously. There is a requirement to develop and implement strategies during life threatening/traumatic incidents. For example, there may be a requirement to facilitate the coordination and evacuation of people and livestock during natural disasters. Police officers may require time to arrive on the scene.
Access various automated systems/databanks[3] and hard copy files and records to input, research and extract the data and information, which is used to respond to internal and external requests received. There is a requirement to determine which data source will provide the optimal data and information, to access and search the automated systems in a sequence that will make the best use of the retrieved data as a criterion for subsequent searches, and to provide support and assistance to end users.
Operate radio equipment to receive and relay information to and from police officers and support agencies, often requiring dealing with emergencies and sensitive issues. Judgment is required to address situations where there is a need to extract additional information, and to assess the situation and to determine the appropriate intervention (e.g. police, fire, or ambulance). There is also a need to record information and to maintain logs.
Receive and read incoming documentation and correspondence (mail, e-mail). Research previous correspondence received, determine if the subject should be cross-referenced with other file material, and assign the appropriate file classification number. Determine when and where documents/requests are to be forwarded, and who should provide a response or complete an action request.
Perform administrative support duties in support of corresponding office operations. Maintain operational records and files, research and retrieve data and information from investigation files, and produce and process documents (e.g. court briefs, dispositions, warrants) from hand written notes and voice recordings. Ensure the safe storage of evidence and maintain the documentation needed to meet legal requirements.
Arrange for the repair and maintenance of the detachment’s property and assets (e.g. office equipment, fleet, inventory).
Provide a broad variety of administrative services for the Detachment. Effort is required to coordinate meeting logistics (rooms, participants), make travel arrangements, develop and maintain electronic and hard copy filing systems, file and back up digital data and information, and compile and collate statistical and narrative reports, (e.g. monthly vehicle returns, municipal and prisoner expenses, occurrences, ticket disputes, legal court documents). There is an on-going need to comply with ATIP policies and guidelines related to information entitlements, to receive and record monies (e.g. fines, fingerprinting, copies of collision reports), and to compose and proof read correspondence and documents. Effort is required to distribute hospitality forms, to maintain office equipment (e.g. photocopier, radios), and to process and track annual performance agreements.
Judgment is also required to address and respond to the needs of the cell block (e.g. guards/matrons, supplies, food, transportation), and to transcribe video and audio recorded evidence involving disturbing testimonials of victims, accused and witnesses. May be required to assist a Regular Member in the handling of prisoners (e.g. searching, photographing, transporting). There is an on-going need to develop strategies during life threatening/ traumatic incidents until police officers arrive. Effort is required to deal with all circumstances concurrently.
The impact of decisions and recommendations:
- front counter service affects public perception and confidence in the RCMP;
- researching, interpreting, recording and/or disclosing information erroneously (e.g. ATIP, pardons, criminal record checks) may affect police investigations, other police or legal matters, public and officer safety, and/or integrity of official records;
- errors in data entry may affect internal or external relationships and functions (e.g. members pay, payments to suppliers);
- procurement and maintenance support activities, for facilities, equipment and supplies, may affect budgets, work quality, health and safety, adherence to legislative requirements, and
- administrative and operational support activities, such as handling and safekeeping of exhibits, radio use, records management, etc., supports detachment efficiency, health and safety, physical security (e.g. key control access, passes, access codes) police operations and investigations, and criminal charges.
Working Conditions
Work is performed in a police environment. There are inherent stresses, distractions and interruptions (e.g. from unruly prisoners), and a continual need to respond to/react to the general public. There is significant exposure to unsettling and graphic materials (e.g. crime scene photographs), and when transcribing court documents or recorded incidents or complaints. There are occasional disagreeable interactions with external clients (e.g. witnesses, victims, accused and suspects, complainants, etc.) who, at times, are confused, fearful, hostile, or in shock about a situation or circumstance (e.g. missing child, assault, emergency situations). There is a requirement to be in the detachment office alone, when police officers are on patrol or off duty.
There is exposure to numerous and conflicting deadlines, multiple demands, time pressures, and changing priorities. There is a requirement to remain seated or standing for long periods (personal computer, meetings) in an open office environment. There is exposure to communicable diseases (e.g. from individuals being detained) and potential eye strain and other physical stresses related to extensive computer work.
Physical effort is required to lift and carry boxes (up to 20kg) of equipment/supplies for short periods of time. The use of protective gloves may be necessary when exposed to/handling exhibits or unsafe material (e.g. mail, flares, ammunition).
[1] Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), CKIT Clothing and Kit; Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS); ENR III (Major Case Mgn’t Tool); Secure Criminal Information System (SCIS); Police Reporting and Occurrence System (PROS); Police Records Information Management Environment (PRIME); Traffic Services Management Information Tool (TSMIT); Division Information Band System (DIBS); Computerized Integrated Information Dispatch System (CIIDS); National Crime Database (NCDB); external Integrated Justice System (JUSTIN); and (TEAM) which refers to the RCMP corporate and asset management system.