1st Virden Scouts
Kids in Scouts have fun adventures discovering new things and experiences they wouldn't have elsewhere. Along the way, kids develop into capable, confident and well-rounded individuals, better prepared for success in the world.
Cindy Brading
(204) 761-0772
The Association of Parents and Professionals for Literacy Education is a non-profit organization in Virden that is dedicated to helping adults improve their literacy skills by offering the following services:
- Upgrading reading, writing, and math
- GED Prep
- Mature Student Diploma
- English improvement
- General tutoring
- Distance exam proctoring
- Computer instruction for introduction to PC; Word, Excel (Beginner & Intermediate), and Quickbooks
(204) 748-2384
(204) 748-3509
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Class Times:
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 am - 3:30 pm (individual learning)
Tuesday Evening 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm (English Improvement Group)
Arts Mosaic
Arts Mosaic is a catalyst for the promotion, education, and awareness of creative endeavours in our community.
Arts Mosaic offers arts programming, workshops and education to communities in the RM of Pipestone, RM of Sifton, RM of Wallace-Woodworth and the Town of Virden. The office, art gallery, and mosaic market are located in the CPR Historic Centre. Arts Mosaic also manages the Costume Closet, located by the Central Hotel. Arts Mosaic offers bursaries and scholarships to worthy recipients in the area and plays host to the annual touring production provided by the Manitoba Theatre Centre in Winnipeg.
For more information and hours, visit: https://www.artsmosaic.ca/
(204) 748-3014
Association for Community Living - Virden
Our vision is a province where people with intellectual disabilities and their families see open doors and many possibilities for learning, working and contributing to their communities. We see the benefits when circles of support surround people with intellectual disabilities in communities that value diversity.
Shelly Savy
(204) 748-1444
Aud Theatre
Built in 1911, the Aud has been recognized as one of the best concert halls of its size in Western Canada. During the past 30 years, the Aud Board has undertaken numerous projects with the aim of improving the theater. The Virden Aud continues to be the entertainment center for future generations of Virden & Area residents.
Jean Anne Overand
AUD Theatre
Border Regional Library
Border Regional Library is a three-branch regional library system. The library serves the residents of Virden, Elkhorn, Kenton and R.M. of Ellice-Archie, R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth, and R.M. of Pipestone free of charge. The library loans out audiobooks, books, large print, magazines, and movies. Members can also download audiobooks and eBooks online at no cost.
(204) 748-3862
Border Regional Library
The cadet program is a fully-funded, dynamic program for Canadian youth between 12 and 18. In addition to local training, cadets also have the opportunity to participate in other training and exchanges on both the national and international level. The Virden Corps parades at the Legion on Monday nights.
Cpt. Donald Thompson
Christmas Cheer
A volunteer-run group, the Christmas Cheer board collects and delivers food and gifts for adults, children, and pets in need in the communities of Virden, McAuley, Manson, Oak Lake, and Elkhorn.
Lisa Williams/Kathy Heaman
Virden Christmas Cheer
Ducks Unlimited Canada
DUC is a leader in wetland conservation. A registered charity, we work with many partners to conserve wetlands for waterfowl, wildlife & the environment.
Kristen Erick/Trish Coleman
(204) 851-7171
Fort la Bosse Wildlife Association
The FLBWA was formed in 2015 after combining the indoor range facility with the outdoor range facility. The indoor range is located at 250 Thomas Dr in Virden and has a 20-meter indoor pistol range for rimfire and pistol cartridges along with archery backstops. The outdoor range consists of two rifle ranges (150m and 280m), four 50m pistol bays and 80m for archery. The club hosts a variety of shooting events throughout the year.
Marlon Lestrat
(204) 851-1707
Dale Chadney
(204) 512-0427
Funshine Preschool
Funshine Preschool offers children a wonderful classroom space where they are able to explore, learn and play. Class times are 9:30 am - 11:30 am and 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Children can begin preschool at 3 years of age.
Sherron Rhodes
(204) 748-4462
Funshine Early Learning Centre Inc.
Girl Guides of Canada
The Girl Guides program is a safe space for girls to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves in new ways. The girls get to explore who they are, challenge stereotypes, and discover new abilities and passions. The program is run in partnership with volunteers to create a fun, meaningful, guiding experience.
Michelle Smith-Hayward
Virden Girl Guides
Goulter School
Goulter Elementary School educates students from Kindergarten to Grade 4. Goulter School is part of Fort La Bosse School Division and the MB Public Education System. We are committed to educating the whole child by providing a caring environment that recognizes the uniqueness of all children.
Committed to providing the best possible educational experiences to help prepare the children for future challenges.
(204) 748-2294
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a worldwide organization that provides affordable housing for low-income, deserving families that could not otherwise own their own home. Homes are built through volunteer labour. Virden has built homes for 4 families.
Karen McKinnon
(204) 748-3872
Heart and Stroke Foundation
The Heart & Stroke group is dedicated to improving communication amongst clinicians and scientists with a specific interest in the cardiovascular aspects of stroke. It also aims to give a greater visibility to the Heart and Stroke community.
Bobbi Stupdck
(204) 517-4080 Ext. 3
Historical Walking Tours
Historical Walking Tours provides walking or bike tours for tourists and local citizens about the history of Virden.
Kelvon Smith
(204) 748-3321
Kelchris Inc.
This organization also occupies many homes in Virden, which are set up and available for individuals with intellectual disabilities. It also offers 24-hour care.
Barb Finley
(204) 748-3726
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
359 Queen Street East
(204) 800-8525
Mary Montgomery School
Mary Montgomery Elementary School educates students from Kindergarten to Grade 4. MMS is part of Fort La Bosse School Division and the MB Public Education System. We are committed to working together with parents and communities to lay the foundation for lifelong learning by providing quality education in a caring environment. MMS has 10 classrooms and 25 staff.
(204) 748-2575
New Horizon Center
New Horizons Senior Center strives to promote volunteerism among seniors and other generations. We try to engage seniors in the community through the mentoring of others. Our goal is to expand awareness of elder abuse, support the social participation and inclusion of seniors, and provide capital assistance for new and existing community projects and programs for seniors.
Cards every Monday at 1:00 pm and Wednesday at 1:00 pm & 7:30 pm.
Dorothy Smith
(204) 748-1457
Oxford Assembly Church
(204) 748-1329
(204) 851-0776
Rhythm & Glue Nursery School
Rhythm and Glue offer before & after school care plus in-service days. Nursery School is also offered as well as Summer Care for July and August for school-aged children. Nursery School Program is for children ranging from 2-6 years.
Hours of Operation
9:30 am - 11:45 am and 1:00pm - 3:15 pm Monday - Thursday
Fran Lansing
(204) 748-6976
Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 8
Virden Legion Branch #8, Zone #26, District #2, has been a long time member of the community since 1919. We assist veterans, their families, and community projects plus special requests for assistance. We sponsor the local Cadet Corps and have an active Ladies Auxiliary.
Shae Apland
(204) 748-1668
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
(204) 748-1371
In Virden, Seniors Access to Independent Living, or SAIL, is just a call away and the coordinator, Leona Joseph, can help with a variety of needs, from getting a LifeLine device to finding a ride to an appointment or arranging Meals-On-Wheels.
Leona Joseph
(204) 748-2323
Skate Virden
Figure Skating Club
Vicki Dryden
Skate Virden
St. Paul's United Church
286 Nelson Street West
Rev. Liz Carter-Morgan
Sunday services at 11:00 am - all are welcome to attend
Leanne Langlois
(204) 748-1295
Southwest Manitoba Animal Rescue Team
Education, info, support, and guidance. No judgment. No criticism. We are here to help with injured animals. We set up spay/neuter programs, vaccine and sterilization clinics annually dependant on funds. We are often "on-call' for emergencies. We also do transport for emergencies and spay/neuter for the communities we work with.
(204) 441-7827
Virden 4-H Club
4-H is an international youth and volunteer organization. This program provides members with the resources and activities to build self-confidence, communication, and activities to build self-confidence, communication, and leadership skills while learning about a topic of their choice. Each member picks a project and works with a volunteer leader to develop their skills related to the project of choice. In Manitoba, there are over 80 interesting hands-on projects like beef, photography, outdoor living, machines, crafts and more.
Beyond projects, there are also club activities, provincial events and travel opportunities where members can meet new people, build friendships and have fun.
Today, 4-H Clubs in Manitoba are driven by thousands of 4-H members and volunteers, plus a strong partnership with Manitoba Agriculture.
Dawn Krinke
(204) 726-6136
Virden 4-H Club
Virden & Area Food Cupboard
Virden Food Cupboard is a local area food bank. Food hampers are given out twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays to recipients who have pre-registered on the Tuesday before.
Myrna Bisson
(204) 748-2707
Shirley Gibson
(204) 512-2321
Virden Area Foundation
Virden and Area Foundation is a community foundation that supports local organizations with grants for proposed projects.
Teresa Makarchuk
(204) 748-3419
Virden Area Foundation
Virden Breakfast Club
Virden Breakfast Club is located at Tundra Oil & Gas Place. It runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 am - 8:20 am. We offer on-ice sessions with instructors and the kids have breakfast together afterward. This is a free program for families that runs on donations and volunteers. All participants must have skates, gloves, a helmet with mask, and a stick. If there is a school closure, Breakfast Club does not run.
Dean & Janet White
(204) 851-5351
Virden Centennial Housing Corporation
This board meets once a month to oversee the 3 senior homes in Virden - Princess Lodge, Bolton Place, and Evergreen Place.
Karen McKinnon
(204) 748-3872
Virden Chamber of Commerce
To serve the business community in Virden and take positions and opinions on business issues and other public issues relevant to business, on behalf of its members. To provide a forum for the business community within which to develop opinions and programs which contribute to the social, economic, and physical quality of life in Virden and enhance it in any way possible. To promote a society and economy primarily based on competitive enterprises and in concern for the individuals in our society. To communicate information on topical subjects of interest to the members.
Carla Mclean/Shannon Walowetz
(204) 851-1551
Virden Collegiate Institute
Virden Collegiate Institute is a school of approximately 300 students. The school is proud to provide a wide variety of programming in the performing arts, visual arts, physical education, sciences, mathematics, language arts, French, power mechanics, industrial arts, business education, home economics, technology, and social studies. Alternative education classes are offered on campus. Students are provided in-house support services such as public health nurses, student support workers, career counsellors, guidance counsellors, First Nation liaison workers, and mental health workers.
(204) 748-2205
Virden Community Outdoor Rink
Virden Community Outdoor Rink's goal is to provide a safe place for all ages to enjoy skating and playing shinny outdoors in the winter months.
Warren Polk
(204) 748-7540
Virden Curling Club
The Virden Curling Club provides organized leagues, ice, and facilities for recreation and competitive curling.
Jay Kinnaird
(204) 748-1745
Virden Dance Club
The Virden Dance Club offers recreational dance classes for students ages 3-18. Our season runs from September to March. Classes are offered once a week.
Hip Hop - Tuesdays
Tap/Jazz/Ballet - Wednesdays
Kristen Yuel
(204) 724-2777
Virden & District Health Auxiliary
The primary objective of the Virden and District Health Auxiliary is to promote the welfare of the Virden Hospital, Western Manitoba Nursing Home, and the Sherwood Home clients. The Health Auxiliary is active in its community, by participating in blood donor clinics, flu clinics, staff appreciation teas, and operation of a gift shop, and raising funds in support of the Virden hospital.
Glynis Danielson
(204) 748-3186
Virden Donors Choice
Donor's Choice is an organization with 20 charities that canvas the Town of Virden for donations once per year.
Karen McKinnon
(204) 748-3872
Virden Employment Skills Centre
Located at 227 Wellington Street West, VESC is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting those living in the 6 surrounding municipalities, including the Town of Virden, Village of Elkhorn, Town of Oak Lake, to meet the employment needs of individuals and businesses. Our mission is to assist unemployed Manitobans to prepare for, find, and keep jobs by providing a variety of short-term employment-related services.
Services Offered:
- Advertise local jobs
- Job search assistance
- Job matching: matching clients' skills to eligible jobs
- Computers with internet access for work-related research
- Resume and cover letter assistance
- Referrals to other services for employment and training needs
- Referrals to the Department of Economic Development and Training
- Training & Employment Services Unit (TES)
- Career exploration & planning
- Job Readiness Workshops
- College and university program guides are available
- Emailing and photocopying
- Apprenticeship program information and referrals
- Referrals to community resources and training opportunities
- Employer assistance:
- Free advertising on in-house job board
- Assistance with the hiring process
- Eligible client referrals for job matching
- Sample interview questions
- Procedures
- Wage subsidy programs
Office Hours:
8:30 am-4:30 pm
Gail Barre
(204) 748-6083
Virden Farmers Market
The Virden Farmers' Market in Virden has been running for 27 years. With lots to enjoy such as; veggies, fruit, honey, crafts, baking, art, toys, books, music, etc. Delicious food, friendly faces, good times.
Come down to the Virden Farmers' Market and support your local farmers, bakers, and crafters.
Virden Floorball
Floorball is ideal for co-ed and mixed age groups 7-14 due to the emphasis on speed, skill, and technique over physical strength.
Virden Handi Van
Volunteer-based transportation for those with mobility difficulties.
Evelyn Hayward
(204) 748-1578
Virden Indoor Rodeo & Wild West Daze
The Virden Indoor Rodeo has been voted "Rodeo of the Year" by the cowboys and cowgirls multiple times over the last two decades. Virden Indoor Rodeo & Wild West Daze was honoured to have been named "Event of the Year" at the 2015 Tourism Westman Tribute to Tourism Awards. Efforts were once again acknowledged when presented with the Manitoba Tourism Event of the Year 2015 in the $5000 and above category. Proving the longstanding popularity, the rodeo is entering its 30th year.
Lonnie Brown
(204) 748-6593
Thomas Hagan
(204) 851-2254
Virden Indoor Rodeo & Wild West Daze
Virden Junior High School
VJH is a middle school that educated students Grades 5 - 8. VJH has a responsibility to provide quality education to all students, with an openness to change that enables us to respond thoughtfully to the demands of the future.
(204) 748-1932
Virden Lion's Club
Barry O'Grady
The Virden Lions Club is a group of service-minded women and men interested in strengthening their community and the surrounding area, hence our motto, "WE SERVE".
To be a Lion is to be an active community volunteer and friend to people in need. We are part of the 1.4 plus million clubs spread across more than 200 countries and geographical areas. In these varied areas, Lions share a common belief, "Community is what we make it".
Our Club was chartered in 1956 with 29 original members. In over 60 years of service in the community, we have donated more than one million dollars to various needy projects and individuals. Our fund-raising endeavors currently consist of the following: Lions Park/Campground used battery collection and highway ditch clean-up to protect the environment; as well as other initiatives that may be required by the community.
Virden Minor Ball
Youth Baseball Club
Megan Gabrielle
Virden Minor Hockey
VMH is a hockey organization that promotes the sport of hockey in a fun atmosphere.
Joel Cosens
Virden Oil Capitals
Virden Oil Capitals are a competitive Junior A Hockey Team in the MJHL.
Jamie Hodson
(204) 748-4848
Virden Oil Kings
The Virden Oil Kings are a Senior A hockey team competing in the North Central Hockey League. The team is comprised of mainly local players with playing backgrounds that range from high school, Junior through to Pro. The Oil Kings compete for the Wallace Henderson Trophy in the NCHL with league champion advancing the Hockey Manitoba Senior A Provincials.
Ryan Mathieson
Virden Oil Kings
Virden Pet Network
People come to us when they are looking for a cat to adopt or if they know of a pet that is homeless, stray, or needs help. We advocate for spay/neuter and have a low-cost program to help pet owners who may need assistance. Beyond rescue, our goal is to reduce the number of unwanted litters being born into lives of struggle.
Kathy Heaman
(204) 851-5347
Virden Pioneer Home Museum
The Pioneer Home Museum acquaints guests with the way of life of an established Victorian family in the Canadian West. The large brick-veneer home, we now call the museum, was built in 1888 on "Quality Hill" which represented one of the wealthiest districts in early Virden. Each room has been refurbished to the charm of the era with numerous period items and furniture, which gives it a homey, almost lived-in feeling.
In addition to the household displays, the museum houses a post office, general store, schoolhouse, medical, local art, and military displays. The Virden Pioneer Home Museum is home to one of the most extensive museum collections in rural Manitoba; it houses more than 11,000 artifacts!
Our Museum is comprised of the original home that was built in 1888 by a local lumber merchant, James Frame and this section of the museum has been arranged to depict a typical family home in the Victorian Era. Then over the years, two annexes and a Coach House have been added to display an assortment of artifacts including military display, flip charts with an assortment of pictures to browse through, antique washing machines, displays of local business and a Post Office, School display, antique tools and a Coach House that houses farming artifacts and horse-drawn sleighs and buggies to name a few interesting items.
Our Museum Home was designated as a Municipal Heritage Site in March 1990.
The Virden Pioneer Home Museum is managed by a small group of volunteers who work hard to maintain and preserve this valuable Museum and its artifacts for years to come. As a designated Charitable Organization we accept donations year-round and issue a Charitable Receipt for Income Tax purposes for all donations.
We recently established a "Heritage - Virden Pioneer Home Museum Fund" which is an Endowment Fund whereby we can access some government funding of an additional 50% of all new funding to our Endowment Fund until March 31, 2021, which is an excellent way in which we can watch our Fund grow more quickly for the preservation of our Museum in the future for years to come. You can contact Susan Ivey, Museum Treasurer for more information on this endowment fund as well as all other methods of donating to our museum, and sponsorship opportunities available by phoning (204) 748-3573.
(204) 748-1659
Rick Kristjanson
(204) 748-2808
Susan Ivey
(204) 748-3573
Virden RCMP
Located at 541 King Street West, business hours are Mon-Fri 9:00-5:00. Services include criminal records check, fingerprints, vulnerable sector check, report a crime, general information, document verification, non-emergency complaints, firearm inquiries, special occasion licenses.
(204) 748-2046
Virden Rifle Club/Virden Trap
Matt Hipwell
(204) 748-2454
Virden Rifle and Pistol Club
Virden Royal Purple
Fran Bayliss
Virden Wellview Golf Course
HWY 83 & PR 257
The Virden Wellview Golf Course is located just west of Virden on Highway #83 and PR #257. This 9 hole golf course, redesigned by one of Canada's most prolific Golf Course architects Les Furber, includes grass greens, sand bunkers, water, grassy roughs, driving range, and practice areas.
(204) 748-1721
Virden Wellview Golf Course & Clubhouse
Virden Youth Soccer
Miranda Careme
Wallace District Fire Department
WDFD has stations in Virden and Elkhorn. We serve the residents of Virden, RM of Wallace-Woodworth, Elkhorn, and RM of Pipestone. We have 40 dedicated firefighters working with 10 pieces of equipment. We train on Mondays in Elkhorn and Thursdays in Virden.
Brad Yochim
(204) 748-1304
Wallace District Fire Department
Westman Emergency Group
This group is comprised mainly of volunteers who bring skills and training to assist our community in the event of an emergency or disaster. The group has been utilized in multiple road closures due to weather and the flood of 2014. The group is always looking for interested individuals who are willing to help.
Matt Hipwell
(204) 851-1351
Marc Savy
(204) 761-0419
Westman Immigrant Services - Virden
Westman Immigrant Services - Virden helps people develop the skills and knowledge to participate in Canadian society.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
585 - 7th Avenue South
(204) 748-1560
Westman Rec Hockey
A non-profit organization that offers co-ed hockey for ages 6 - 17.
Melissa Hancharyck
(204) 556-2053
(204) 851-5030
Westman Co-ed Rec Hockey (Westman Wolverines)